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The camera settings I used with my flash varied a little bit in the beginning but for the most part, I settled on shooting at 1/1250 sec at f/1.6, ISO 160 with my flash set at 1/16th power. It was just enough to give our model good light on her face and arms and not have flat photos!

February 14, 2020

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To make the shot I used my Sony FE 85mm f/1.8 portrait lens. This is the perfect lens to get your subject in focus while still create those gorgeous soft backgrounds. The majority of these shots were shot at 1/250 sec at f 1.8, ISO 160. I usually shoot pretty fast to avoid the subject from blurring, I kept my F-stop at 1.8 because I really wanted to focus on my subject and isolate her from the busy and colorful backgrounds.

February 7, 2020